
Should we avoid C implementation?

先日のPycon mini JPでは、Tenjinのトークが好評だったようでした*1。 How to Create a Highspeed Template Engine in Python このスライドの中で述べられているのは以下のような事です。 Web Appの実行時間の中でViewコンポーネントが占める割合は意外と大…

Is the IBM's code so bad?

(P.S. chromatic fixed the code the article mentioned. Thanks, chromatic.)CGI is okay Bad Code is Irresponsible Basically I agree with his article.However, I don't think that code is "bad": (from Very simple login using Perl, jQuery, Ajax, …

MacBook Air 11インチ欲しい!

MacBook Air 11インチ欲しい!!!11

Xslate 1.0 released!

I have shipped Xslate 1.0, which is very stable! This version includes no radical changes. Instead, only one bug fix and an entry to the cookbook are added. In fact, no critical bugs are reported in months. Thus, I decided the version as 1…