
ECMA ScriptのString.prototype.replaceメソッドは第二引数が関数だった場合、パターンマッチでキャプチャされる部分が可変長でしかもこの可変長引数が固定引数に挟まれているという不思議仕様です。

#!/usr/bin/env node
console.log( "(f)ooba(r)".replace(function(part, p1, p2, pos, src) {
    console.log( Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) );
// 結果:
// [ 'oba', 'o', 'a', 2, 'foobar' ]


さて、これを静的型付け言語であるC++で表現できるか試してみました。結論から言うとC++11のvariadic templateを使えばできます。以下のコードはclang 3.0 (Apple ver.)で確認しました。

// 可変長引数replacerのスタブ例

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

template <typename ...Args>
const string vreplace_impl(string src, std::string pattern,
        const string replacer(const string, int pos, const string)) {

    replacer("vreplace with 0 capture", 0, src);
    return "";

template <typename ...Args>
const string vreplace_impl(string src, std::string pattern,
        const string replacer(const string, const string p1, int pos, const string)) {

    replacer("vreplace with 1 capture", "p1", 0, src);
    return "";

template <typename ...Args>
const string vreplace(string src, std::string pattern,
        const string replacer(const string, Args...)) {
    vreplace_impl(src, pattern, replacer);
    return "";

const string r0(const string part, int pos, const string src) {
    cout << "r0 " << part << "," << pos << "," << src << std::endl;
    return "";

const string r1(const string part, const std::string p1, int pos, const string src) {
    cout << "r1 " << part << "," << pos << "," << src << std::endl;
    return "";

int main() {

    vreplace("foobar", "foo",   r0); // capureが含まれないのでr0
    vreplace("foobar", "f(oo)", r1); // captureが一つ含まれるのでr1

    return 0;

// 結果:
// r0 vreplace with 0 capture,0,foobar
// r1 vreplace with 1 capture,0,foobar


参考文献: String.prototype.replace (searchValue, replaceValue)
If replaceValue is a function, then for each matched substring, call the function with the following m + 3
arguments. Argument 1 is the substring that matched. If searchValue is a regular expression, the next m
arguments are all of the captures in the MatchResult (see Argument m + 2 is the offset within string
where the match occurred, and argument m + 3 is string. The result is a String value derived from the original
input by replacing each matched substring with the corresponding return value of the function call, converted
to a String if need be.